Premix to prepare and cook food in the oven.

  • Estabimix® BKR Pudding
    Powder to prepare vanilla and chocolate puddings.

  • Estabimix® BKR Sponge cake / Muffin
    Powder to prepare vanilla and chocolate sponge cakes and muffins.

  • Estabimix® BRK Pastry cream
    Powder to prepare cold pastry cream.

  • Estabimix® BRK Cookies
    Powder to prepare vanilla and chocolate cookies.

  • Estabimix® BRK Brownie
    Powder to prepare chocolate brownies.

  • Estabimix® SPG
    Especially designed to prepare angel cakes in microwave cups. Favor: chocolate and vanilla.
    Dosage: 60 grams in 40 milliliters of milk in a 250 cm3 cup.

We also offer free-sugar premix.

+54 11 4683 3505
+54 11 4683 8263
+54 11 4683 3460
+54 11 4684 0700
+54 11 4684 0701
+54 11 4684 0702
+54 11 4684 1610
+54 11 4684 1710
+54 11 4635 7648
+54 11 4635 2918
+54 11 4635 2914

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+54 911 3685-2251


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